“exceptional ... absorbing ... gorgeous visual palette”
- Los Angeles Times
“poetic ... haunting”
- Indian Country Today
“a cinematic gold mine”
- Huffington Post

Jennifer Jessum is an award-winning director, choreographer, writer, producer, cinematographer, and creative consultant. Jennifer holds a Master of Fine Arts degree, in Film Production, from USC School of Cinematic Arts, and a Master of Fine Arts degree, in Dance, from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. She brings her fine arts aesthetic, musical training, and long history in the professional dance and theater worlds to narrative and documentary forms, commercials, music videos, Dance-for-the-Camera, PSAs, live events, theater, and full creative campaigns. Her physical training extends far beyond the dance world into the fields of Somatics, Advanced Neuromuscular Therapies, and Feldenkrais. Her visceral and dynamic shooting style, which she refers to as Kinema, is a synthesis of dance, somatics, and film.