Feature Article In Indian Country Today magazine

“At first glance, the facts seemed straightforward.

In October 1991, after a long-running family feud, Douglas White, a Lakota medicine man from South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, was accused of sexually abusing his two grandsons. In January 1993, the 72-year old White was sentenced to 292 months in federal prison with no hope of parole.

There was, however, more to his story. When two young video artists started delving into it nearly 20 years ago, they realized how much remained to be told. They embarked on a complex journey that produced their startling 2011 documentary Holy Man, the USA v. Douglas White, and in the process, uncovered dramatic new evidence that turned the government’s case against White inside out.”

– An excerpt from Heather Steinberger’s feature article on the making of HOLY MAN: THE USA vs DOUGLAS WHITE, “Documentary Reveals Lakota Medicine Man Abused by Justice System,” Indian Country Today, March 19, 2012

Read the full article here.